Thursday 18 July 2013

Suicide Gankers: The First Attempt

Here I am, afk mining while I work on EveVerse. Along comes Torum Gath and tries to pop me. He failed, which was funny, although me drones never attacked him, so no killmail. But here is the interesting part, he didn't try to gank me on an alt, that was his main character, which he also happens to mine on. Silly, right?

So a little banter in local and along comes:
"Torum Gath placed 1,000,000 ISK in bounty on your head."
Oh dear, a bounty?
"Torum Gath > just to remind u""Torum Gath > when u least expect it""Torum Gath > im coming for u"
So Sugar Kyle has a nice little write up about bounties here(bounties that is, that is also a fantastic blog) and I can honestly say that I don't give a rats arse about such a small bounty. But why did he do it? Was he hoping to extract a few tears from me? Because I was laughing when I saw it. Is there any other reason? I don't know(If you can think of any, leave a comment, I'm curious).

So there you have it, the first attempt on my life. I don't know about other new players, but that didn't bother me one bit. Probably because he didn't blow up my retriever, although I'd probably be more annoyed by the fact that I have to go and buy a new one.


  1. He attacked you with a char who is minig too? Do I smell a tasty nasty killright there? ;-)

    Go get him. Show him how friendly you can be and how much bounties don't serve as kill rights, but kill rights do.

    1. Well, funny enough, I am on good terms with his CEO, so he was taken care of. :)

  2. They tried to blow up your retriever and failed? How strange. What ship were they using?


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