Sunday 14 July 2013

Flight of the Fool

"A small Ibis class hull undocks from The Science & Trade Institute, weaving dangerously through the several large Freighter-class ships floating near the station, a few pilots swear and shake their heads as the Ibis passes their hulls, while many simply ignore the dangerous flight of the fledgling capsuleer, dubbed by veterans as the 'flight of the fool'."

Starting out in Eve Online is terrifying. You are thrown into a world where there are so many things to do and no single way to do them. Each time you start a new character, you could go a completely different direction, however by then you at least know what direction that is. For a player that is new to Eve Online, it becomes a rather daunting task. Although many end up in a venture, mining, with no idea what else there is to do. This however is not actually a bad idea. Unless you are going to buy plex to fund your ships and expenses, this is a surefire way to make enough to support yourself. It is also a good way to ease yourself into Eve Online as it requires no real skill, it doesn't require anything at all really.

However I chose to be an industrialist, not to fund PvP or other nasty habits, but rather because I like numbers. Yes I like numbers, give me statistics and I will devour it. Give me raw data and I'll generate statistics from it. And graphs. I love graphs. I'm just one of those boring people that like mathematics I guess.

So that is my dream in Eve Online, yes dream, we all have them, some just don't think they do. You want to fly that <insert ship name here>, don't you? I want to be the biggest and baddest 'carebear' Eve Online has ever seen. I have been quoted drunkenly saying, "I will carebear the fuck out of you.", and I think that is the sum total of my future in Eve Online.

Back to being a new player, my advice for those that come after me: explore the world, explore the community and be sure to check out Mad Ani's Stream (Many useful links listed below it). Learning about the community around Eve Online has helped me understand how the game works and why it works that way.

Another interesting topic I came across while reading many of the third-party websites and blogs is propaganda. Its everywhere. EVERYWHERE. The forum is full of it, comments on anything Eve related would have at least one post with it. Its subtle, its brutal, its funny and sometimes downright obnoxious. So I'll have to keep my eyes out for it, and do my best not to get sucked in.

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