Tuesday 16 July 2013

Eve Market: All Quantity, no Quality

"Vitam Deus stepped off his shuttle, eyes burning bright as he looked upon the largest Trading Hub in the universe. Station Traders watched the market tick over, buyers looked for the best deal, and con artists hoped to make some easy money."

My biggest woe in Eve Online would have to be the fact that there is no way for me to create something that I could call mine. Sure I can create things, but I can't make them unique. That is after all what makes each person an individual, isn't it?

Lets take a look at the current creation of items in Eve Online, from start to finish. A miner ventures out and shoots a rock, the ore gets 'refined' and the minerals are stored somewhere. A manufacturer comes along and takes those minerals and makes capital ship parts(Could be anything though). Those parts are then used to build a Capital ship.

Now lets take a look at how this would go in Real Life(Simplified):

A miner ventures out and shoots a rock.

  • The quality of the ore.(How pure the natural ore is)
  • The heat from the mining laser.(Places stress on the ore)

The ore get refined:

  • Heat
  • Oxygen
And the minerals are stored somewhere.
  • Various stresses(such as not being stored in a pressurized compartment)
  • Humidity
And something is manufactured.
  • accuracy of drones/robot arms
  • quality of parts/minerals used
  • player skill
  • level of trained skill
  • BPO quality
  • BPO ml and pl
With these modifiers everyone, the miner, the refiner, the manufacturer, all need make a choice... Quantity or quality? It also means that manufacturers are more likely to have standing contracts with a single group instead of just grabbing it off the market. But that is just the beginning of this evil little scheme.

Custom BPOs

Currently, each item/ship has its own bonuses and whatnot. But what if players could specialize their items to whatever need the want? A mining laser that focuses on quality instead of quantity? An Orca fitted to be all cargo and no ore? Like ship fitting, except for manufacturing? Now add in enough possibilities and no way for someone to steal your manufacturing fit(Without a lot of pain and trial and error, or just stealing your BPO) and out of it comes an item that is yours and only yours, you can still make BPCs and sell them. But you can now build your brand. You can now do marketing, have your own sales floor, be known as the google of Eve Online.

I know I have barely fleshed out the idea, but I like it, and maybe manufacturers will get as much customization as PvPers?

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting.
    Quantity v Quality; I like it too. Adding variety and choice is rarely a bad thing.


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